Holiday Recipes

Cuisines RecipesHoliday RecipesHolidays and Seasons RecipesItalian CuisinesRecipes

Polo Coriandolo Pizza

This delicious pizza for lunch or dinner. Bake it until golden brown and finish with feta cheese, coriander leaves, lemon olive oil and...

Cuisines RecipesHoliday RecipesHolidays and Seasons RecipesItalian CuisinesRecipes

Creamy Rosso Penne

Creamy Rosso Penne is a delicious pasta dish made with a creamy tomato sauce. Here is a recipe to make it: Prep Time...

Cuisines RecipesHoliday RecipesHolidays and Seasons RecipesItalian CuisinesRecipes

Creamy White Sauce Cauliflower Pasta

Chilli oil butter garlic pasta is a simple yet delicious pasta dish that combines the flavors of garlic, butter, and chili oil to...

Cuisines RecipesHoliday RecipesHolidays and Seasons RecipesItalian CuisinesRecipes

Chilli Oil Butter Garlic Pasta

Chilli oil butter garlic pasta is a simple yet delicious pasta dish that combines the flavors of garlic, butter, and chili oil to...

Cuisines RecipesHoliday RecipesHolidays and Seasons RecipesItalian CuisinesRecipes

Desi-Style Butter Masala Pasta

Desi-style butter masala pasta is a fusion dish that combines the creamy and spicy flavors of Indian butter masala with Italian pasta. Here’s...